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    Intro to Tintypes – Half Day

    This scaled-down intensive version on the Full Day Intro to Tintypes course offers an overview of tintype basics, and the opportunity to shoot 3 plates. We begin with a brief lecture about tintype history, chemistry and safety. Then, we continue with a hands-on introduction to the steps needed to coat, sensitize, shoot, develop and varnish a 4×5 tintype. This course will focus on studio lighting (unless class is scheduled outdoors), with the option to shoot still-life or self-portraits. Students are encouraged to bring objects or costumes to work with during class. This course is a great option for those looking to try out the process for the first time, or as a refresher course. 


    UPCOMING SESSIONS – By Appointment

    3 instruction hours

    All materials included

    This course can be booked daytime, evenings and weekends.

    This class is designed for one or two people. 

    $350 for one person, $600 for two people